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saitai pump and valve

Shanghai Saitai Pump & Valve CO., Lid. It was a designated supplier of Ex-ministry of Machine and Ex-ministry of chemical of China . Under the great support of the National policy and the cooperation of skillful and experienced Pump& valve experts, it was set up in 2005 and become a specialized manufacturer of pump, valve, motor, water supply system and water treatment equipment, which involving of which involving research & development, design & produce and marketing. As the member of Chinese Pump & Valve association, Saitai??s products have widely used in the area of petroleum, chemical, power, metallurgy, pharmacy, new nano material, metallurgy, mining, biological engineering, municipal water supply and drainage project, fire fighting and so on. We have the self-supported import and export right and export products to America, Middle East, European and many other countries in the world. And our products are welcomed by our clients because of the excellent quality.

valve shop
Valve Work Shop

Our company was registered in Fengjing industrial zone in Jinshan of Shanghai. The use of EPR, CAD/CAM design system and the three-dimensional simulated experimental design, guarantee the speed of new products, delivery time and quality of our products. Our managements are specialized in the quality of our products. The parent company has get the certification of ISO9001, API-6D, API-6A, CE certification, ISO 14001 and OHAS18001. The valves in our company are well known for the characteristics of absolute zero leakage close, the longer useful life and reliability under high-temperature, high-pressure, high corrosion, high impurities and other extremely poor working conditions.

pump shop
pump work shop

We manufacture the products according to API standard, BS standard, DIN standard, JIS /JPI standard, GB and JB standard, but also make the products according to clients?? special requirements. The size is between 3/8"??118" (DN10??3000), pressure is between CLASS125??2500?¨0.6Mpa??42Mpa??, temperature is between -196????1200??. Main material of casting: ASTMA126B A216WCB, A217WC6 WC9 C5 CA15, A351 CF3 CF8 CF3MCF8M A352 LCB LCC LC2 LC3. Main material of forging: ASTM A105 A182 F304 F316 F304L F316L F6a F11 F22 F51, A350 LF2 LF3A276 304 316 304L 316L, Monel, Hastelloy and so on.

valve test shop
Valve Test Shop

Our company has developed a wide variety of products; they are diaphragm pump, magnetic drive pump, chemical pump, self-priming pump, fire pump, vacuum pump, inline pump, sewage pump, split case pump, multistage pump, breather valve, magnetic valve, butterfly valve, duckbill valve, gate valve, globe valve, plug valve, needle valve, control valve, steam trap, ball valve, strainer, actuator and so on.

Shanghai Saitai provides high quality products and perfect after service for the clients. We adopt new science and technology to improve the quality of our products, take honest as our service aim to satisfy our customers. SAITAI links

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